Below you'll find various Chrysler data sets. Some are processor code specific and some include various data sets in each spreadsheet.
Chrysler didn't make this easy on anyone, many of these use different breakpoints and units often get converted, so be very sure to make sure the breakpoints match and that the units are the same.
If you have trouble implementing this data, please send screen shots of your data sets that need populated, or a copy of the calibration to and we'll work on getting you taken care of.
Note - You can see the entire file title if you hover your mouse over it
For all ID1050-XDS, ID1300-XDS, and ID1700-XDS the data is the same as the previous generation injectors, please use the applicable data sheets. ID1050-XDS will use ID1050x data, ID1300-XDS will use ID1300x2, and ID1700-XDS will use ID1700x.